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I am an English aspiring filmmaker, specialising in writing and directing. I have been writing for over ten years now, and have been directing my own films for over four years. I was always labelled as the kid with the 'over the top imagination' and this where my love of storytelling came from. I'd always want to create the next big story for characters I loved, the next step for me was creating my own characters.


As a writer, I write screenplays mainly for short films and micro shorts - however I have also written a few feature length scripts as well as multi episodic series scripts. Most of the screenplays that I have written, I have then gone on to produce, direct, and sometimes shoot.


In terms of directing, I have directed several films, and every time learning new skills and each film has helped hone my skills as a director. My passion for directing drives me to go further and create a better film with every single one that I make.

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